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Truth and kindness transform success

Passionate About Soul Purpose

I heighten awareness to the part Talent development plays into the overall mindfulness our generation now requires by the rapport that I develop with each of my students.  One of the biggest complements I can receive is when students tell me they love taking lessons.  Talent development and longevity with my students is rewarding.  Sometimes I'm fortunate to see my students weekly and year round for several years.  I earn their trust and they confide in me.  The music they make is their true reward.  I also use intermediate rewards along the way, like gold star charts, and color-coded stars in their folders to reinforce good attitude, independence, practice & preparation, and a job well done.  I encourage them to surprise me with something I didn't ask them to do.  Adult students love to exceed their own expectations.  I ask them their favorite artists, and we make song lists according to their skill range and preferences. I am personally and professionally intrigued by what I learn from Millennials, an intensely grassroots generation globally, capable of leading us into the real new normal.  

  • Steinway Educational Partner

  • New York Women in Film and Television

  • Delta Omicron Music Fraternity

  • Suzuki Association of the Americas

  • Actors Access 

  • Casting Networks

  • Hey Mama

  • Masters Degree in Music, Southern Methodist Universtiy

  • Bachelors Degree in Music, Alverno College

  • Aspen Music School

  • The Juilliard School, Adult division


Actor, pop singer and songwriter, Irene Diamond trains aspiring artists and actors to find their own voice and song repertoire.  Founder of Diamond Pop Music LLC, her productions include several song recordings and commissions to create music videos.  She has four adult children of her own, who are all actively pursuing their creative goals and collaborations.  Her mother was also a piano teacher, and both of them lifetime members of the music fraternity, Delta Omicron.


Mentored by a piano professor from the School Sisters of Saint Francis of Assisi at Alverno College, a competence-based college for professional women in Milwaukee Wisconsin, spirituality and respect for all humankind and creation are embedded in her teaching.  Irene Diamond has taught individuals and groups her early career beginning in Brooklyn Heights and Cobble Hill, New York while concurrently teaching at the Saint Ann’s School and the Park Slope Conservatory of Music.  As Founder of the Ridgefield Conservatory of Music, and later Director of the Jewish Community Center Music School, in Stamford, Connecticut, Irene Diamond implemented core music groups including a teen jazz ensemble and a children’s chorus named Kolot, which means 'Voices' in Hebrew.  She incorporated teachers in a variety of instruments, some newly immigrated, to whom she guided in concepts of American child psychology.  In all these settings, Irene Diamond developed her original concepts of group dynamics, liaison sometimes simply between parent and child.  She remains devoted to the future development of mind, heart, beauty, and soul. 


Suzuki instruction for the very young especially is a collaboration between parent, child, and teacher.  Enrollment is dependent on the parents’ full understanding and safeguard in this form of musical education which includes attending the lessons and practicing with the young child at home. 


Irene Diamond holds Bachelors and Masters of Music degrees in Piano Pedagogy & Performance.  She attended the Aspen Music School where she learned and competed with concert artists, receiving numerous awards for piano performance.  While at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, she taught in the College Proficiency and Preparatory divisions.  For her Piano Pedagogy degree thesis, Irene Diamond developed Small Group Dynamism, a tutoring concept designed to encourage those who are seeking to be more productive, happy, or fulfilled.  Utilizing experts and senior citizens, the service was initially inspired by the volunteer spirit which is still very much alive in the USA.

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